Showing posts with label Baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby. Show all posts

Friday, July 11, 2008

Beautiful Baptism

Over the 4th of July weekend Courtney and I had the chance to head on up to Greenville, TN to visit with her cousin and be there for the baptism of their son, Wallace Wyatt. The visit was a lot of fun and Wallace is a cutie./ His dad, Brian, is actually the minister for Timber Ridge Presbyterian so he got to baptize his own son--cool! I caught this image after the service amidst a flurry of other photo taking. I took many of the traditional photos and you see them on my Flickr account here. The image I posted here though particularly stuck me and I think is one of the better baptism shots I have taken. I really like the combination of the baby with the cross on his father's vestments. It just says baptism and faith, and God, and love all in one!